
Ruby bioinformatics toolkit

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If you would like to see a terminal cast with this same information, please visit the following casts:

Rbbt tutorial 1.- HTS workflow basic usage


Rbbt tutorial 2.- Sample workflow


Rbbt tutorial 3.- downstream analysis



This guide assumes that you have access to a working installation of Rbbt prepared for genomics analysis. If not, check out the alternative ways to setup an Rbbt installation. If you decide to use the singularity image instead of a native installation, consider downloading this version which has pre-installed most of the software tools you will need.

Rbbt basics

The rbbt command is the gateway to using all Rbbt functionalities. Chain together sub-commands to reach the particular functionality you are interested in. Type rbbt to see the list of sub-commands, which is at the end of the help page. The sub-commands in white (e.g. migrate) are final commands and have their own documentation, the ones in blue (e.g. workflow) have further sub-commands. Type rbbt workflow to see the workflow sub-commands; we will be using one of them to execute workflow tasks: rbbt workflow task.

There should be a number of workflows already available for you, type rbbt workflow list to see them. One of them should be the HTS workflow (High throughput sequencing). This workflow allows you to perform analyses for DNA and RNA-Seq like alignment and variant calling. To see the tasks available for the HTS workflow type rbbt workflow task HTS. To learn how to use any of these tasks, such as the mutect2 task, type rbbt workflow task HTS mutect2 --help. You can see from the output of the last command that the mutect2 task is actually a workflow in itself that builds upon several other tasks. In particular it has a task performing the actual calling with GATK’s Mutect2, and others that are used to filter out artifacts and low quality variants. Different steps of the workflow consume different inputs, which may use default values if omitted. Note that option flags have shorthand forms, for instance -h is equivalent to --help; we will be making use of this shorthand forms arbitrarily throughout these tutorials to shorten commands1.

A tiny synthetic example

Gather the file bundle and unpack it on a work directory. This is a synthetic sample generated using the NEAT genReads tool. You should see several directories containing the FASTQ files, aligned BAMs and golden BAMs. Golden BAMs have reads aligned to exactly the place they where simulated from, while the aligned BAMs are the result of running the standard alignment pipelines with BWA following the GATK best practices.

Test the HTS workflow on synthetic data

We can use the synthetic sample to start learning about the HTS workflow. Let’s begin by doing variant calling with Mutect2. Type rbbt workflow task HTS mutect2 -h to examine the input options, in particular: tumor, normal, and reference. To try it out point tumor and normal to the corresponding aligned BAM files from the synthetic sample, not the golden ones2, and specify hg38 as the reference. Before you actually run it let us first examine the work that Rbbt intends to do, add the flag --provenance to see the dependency tree. Each line in the provenance tree is indented to reflect the dependency structure, and has four components: status of the step, workflow, task name, and step path. Initially they should all be in the status notfound. Now we can remove the --provenance flag and actually run the workflow.

Let it run for a while, like a couple of minutes, and interrupt it with <ctrl>-C. Now display the provenance again and take a look at what was completed and what remains. Now run the workflow again and watch it resume from the last completed step. This time however, try adding the flag --log 0 to increase the log level and show DEBUG info, which includes the output from the different command-line tools. To make 0 the default log level type rbbt log 0; the default is to show INFO level logs, which corresponds to level 4.

Examining the result and the meta-data

Once the workflow is complete the resulting VCF would have appeared in STDOUT; the logs go to STDERR so they will not interfere with the output and you can safely pipe it. The -pf flag, which is the short form for --printpath, will show the path to the result file instead of the content. Lets get it to examine the meta-data (note that we could also get it from the top of the provenance tree). Notice how alongside the result file is a .info file3. This file contains meta-data that describe the provenance of the result, the inputs used, time spent, versions of tools used, etc. Try it out by typing rbbt workflow info <path>, which shows just basic information, including input options specific to that job. The flags --all shows extended information, and the flag --recursive traverses the dependencies to collect all the inputs used across. To examine the provenance tree from a job result file, instead of at the moment of running the workflow, you can do rbbt workflow prov <path>.

One of the benefits of synthetic samples is that we have a truth set to validate that our pipelines are working correctly. Use the task compare_vcf to compare your variant calling with the truth set used by NEAT rbbt workflow task HTS compare_vcf --vcf_1 <your file path> --vcf_2 <path to truth/somatic.vcf>. It’s should show a large number of common variants; it’s OK that they are common but different, this only means that the additional information of the variants, like variant allele frequency, is different, which is in fact entirely missing on the truth VCF file.

One can also see the status of running jobs, lock files, indices being created, and other things using the command rbbt system status HTS --all, where workflow HTS can be substituted by any other workflow, or the word all to report all workflows; the flag --all indicates that all jobs must be shown, instead of only failed ones. To cleanup do rbbt system clean HTS, running jobs will not be erased or interfered with, except on an HPC environment where jobs might be executing on a different node and might seem aborted to the login-node.

Input options, hashes, redoing work, and configuration keys

I hope by now you have noticed one thing: that Rbbt does not place result files for a workflow execution isolated from other workflow executions, they all ended up under ~/.rbbt/var/jobs/. The idea is that workflow executions are treated as deterministic given the inputs, so the same workflow issued with the same inputs can reuse the same results. A few precautions are set in place to avoid mishaps, the path associated to a step is determined by digesting the values of the inputs, so different inputs receive a different hash4

In order to force that part of the work is redone you must first clean it up. You can use the flag --clean to clean just the task you are calling, leaving the dependencies as they where, or the flag --recursive_clean to clean all the dependencies and redo the entire job. Alternatively you can also use the flag --clean_task to clean specific dependencies and force that the process is updated from there on.

If a dependency is updated the downstream steps become not up-to-date, and will show. To avoid unnecessary computation this does not trigger the need to redo the downstream steps unless the flag --update is used when running the workflow. Try running the mutect2_pre task, which is the one where Mutect2 actually does the variant calling, and then the mutect2 task with and without the --update flag. Then try running the mutect2 task with --clean_task mutect2_pre. But before you do so, read the next paragraph!

Rbbt makes a distinction between inputs options that dictate what the result is, and performance options that dictate how the results is computed. Input options get digested into the path hash and lead to different provenance trees, performance options don’t alter the dependency tree and are actually specified through something called config_keys. For example, Mutect2 has no internal support for concurrency, however it can be implemented by dividing the work in different genomic intervals, an approached often called sharding. To activate sharding we can specify the following flag --config_keys 'shard true mutect2,cpus 10 mutect2'. This is interpreted as follows, the configuration key shard should be set to true when queried with the key mutect2 and the key cpus set to 10 when queried also by the key mutect2. If you turn the log level to 0 and scrutinize the output you will see the logs for when these keys are retrieved. Try running this command rbbt workflow task HTS mutect2 -n <path to normal BAM> -t <path to tumor BAM> -r hg38 --clean_task mutect2_pre -pf --config_keys 'shard true mutect2,cpus 10 mutect2. It’s a very small sample but it should show some difference. Checkout the meta-data for the mutect2_pre step to check that the keys show up. Configuration keys can be placed in particular locations so that one does not have to write them all the time, but we will see that later.

Using the Sample workflow

When running the mutect2 task you didn’t need to specify where reference data and their indices where; Rbbt found them for you. A similar thing can be done for the input data, once they are properly organized Rbbt can find them for you. This is done with the Sample workflow, that puts together a portfolio of different queries that can be asked about samples (i.e. patients), figuring out the right workflow to answer them.

Preparing the synthetic data for the Sample workflow

In order to incorporate a new sample to the Sample workflow the data must be placed somewhere that Rbbt can find, one such place is in the home directory of the user, under ~/.rbbt/share/data/studies/. For example, to prepare the synthetic data we create the folder ~/.rbbt/share/data/studies/ARGO-NEAT, inside we need to have the following directory tree:

├── WGS
│   ├── ARGO-NEAT
│   │   ├── tumor_read1.fq.gz
│   │   └── tumor_read2.fq.gz
│   └── ARGO-NEAT_normal
│       ├── normal_read1.fq.gz
│       └── normal_read2.fq.gz
└── options
    └── reference

This creates the ARGO-NEAT study, which contains the sample also named ARGO-NEAT along with its matched normal ARGO-NEAT_normal. Here we copy or link the FASTQ files. The options/reference contains the text hg38 to make sure this is the reference used to analyze this sample, unless otherwise specified.

It’s a matter of preference, but I find that in practice is often practical to include all the data that was provided as it was provided originally in some other directory, data in this case, and link to it as Rbbt likes it. This way one can move this directory around easily and never lose track of the original contents.

├── WGS
│   ├── ARGO-NEAT
│   │   ├── tumor_read1.fq.gz -> ../../data/FASTQ/tumor/tumor_read1.fq.gz
│   │   └── tumor_read2.fq.gz -> ../../data/FASTQ/tumor/tumor_read2.fq.gz
│   └── ARGO-NEAT_normal
│       ├── normal_read1.fq.gz -> ../../data/FASTQ/normal/normal_read1.fq.gz
│       └── normal_read2.fq.gz -> ../../data/FASTQ/normal/normal_read2.fq.gz
├── data
│   ├── BAM
│   │   ├── normal.bai
│   │   ├── normal.bam
│   │   ├── normal.bam.md5
│   │   ├── tumor.bai
│   │   ├── tumor.bam
│   │   └── tumor.bam.md5
│   ├── FASTQ
│   │   ├── normal
│   │   │   ├── normal_read1.fq.gz
│   │   │   └── normal_read2.fq.gz
│   │   └── tumor
│   │       ├── tumor_read1.fq.gz
│   │       └── tumor_read2.fq.gz
│   ├── golden_BAM
│   │   ├── normal_golden.bam
│   │   ├── normal_golden.bam.bai
│   │   ├── tumor_golden.bam
│   │   └── tumor_golden.bam.bai
│   ├── known_sites
│   │   ├── 1000G_phase1.indels.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── 1000G_phase1.indels.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── Miller_1000G_indels.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── Miller_1000G_indels.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── af-only-gnomad.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── af-only-gnomad.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── dbsnp_146.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── dbsnp_146.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── panel_of_normals.vcf.gz
│   │   ├── panel_of_normals.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   ├── small_exac_common_3.vcf.gz
│   │   └── small_exac_common_3.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── reference
│   │   ├── hg38.dict
│   │   ├── hg38.fa
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.amb
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.ann
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.bwt
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.byNS.interval_list
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.fai
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.amb
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.ann
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.bwt
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.byNS.interval_list
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.fai
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.gzi
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.pac
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gz.sa
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.gzi
│   │   ├── hg38.fa.pac
│   │   └── hg38.fa.sa
│   └── truth
│       ├── germline.vcf
│       ├── somatic.vcf
│       └── tumor.vcf
└── options
    └── reference

Mutect2 using the Sample workflow

With the synthetic data prepared for the Sample workflow, running mutect2 is as simple as typing rbbt workflow task Sample --workflows HTS mutect2 --jobname ARGO-NEAT. This will not only run the variant calling, it will also align the BAM files from the FASTQ files.

There are two things to note. The first is that the name of the sample is indicated as the --jobname of the job, which we will see has the additional benefit of helping manage the results. The second thing is the presence of this flag --workflows HTS which indicates that the Sample workflow must be incorporate functionalities from the HTS workflow, which is where alignment and variant calling functionalities are defined. We will illustrate later how this will allow us to easily extend our functionalities.

The provenance of the workflow we plan to use includes some new files, you can consult it using the --provenance flag. The --help flag also shows this provenance in a more succinct form that does not removes certain repetitions:


We can recognize a portion of our previous workflow, that HTS part that does the Mutect2 calling. In addition we observe a few new things. First that on top of HTS#mutect2 is Sample#mutect2 this is a trivial task used only for housekeeping purposes, it simply asks the previous one to run and links to it’s results, as we will see this makes the results more organized, hiding away all the intermediate steps under the HTS workflow and leaving the Sample workflow for only the interesting results. The next thing we see is a new workflow branch under Sample#BAM. People initiated in the GATK best practices for aligning short reads will recognize these steps. A similar branch would hang under Sample#BAM_normal, but was abridged in this report.

Try comparing the dependency graph we just examined with what you get from using the --provenance flag. Notice the paths of the files. Under ~/.rbbt/share/var/jobs/Sample we will only see four files:


The last one is the same as the one above it. Notice that, since we didn’t override any of the default values, there is no presence of any hashes in the job names. You can always know where to find your BAM files, VCFs, or any other results for any sample; just like Rbbt does!

The command we presented in this section didn’t have any config_keys. Let us revisit this issue, since there are now a few more keys to control the execution. To avoid having to type them all the time place the following text into the file ~/.rbbt/etc/config_profile/HTS

spark false gatk
shard true gatk
cpus 18 shard 
cpus 14 haplotype
cpus 18 mutect2
cpus 15 samtools_index
cpus 15 bwa
cpus 20 sort
samtools_sort true bam_sort
threads 15 samtools_sort_threads
max_mem 2G samtools_sort_max_mem

You may adjust the values to your particular environment, or you have have different profiles with different values. The first line disables the SPARK version of all GATK functions. Turning it to true will use the SPARK version for any tool that has such a version available. In our tests found that these can have worse performance than the sharded version. If for instance you turn on SPARK for the MarkDuplicates step, by specifying spark true MarkDuplicates, Rbbt will skip the sorting step, since the SPARK version already outputs sorted reads. Otherwise SPARK and non-SPARK verions are mostly equivalent. All sharding will be done over 18 different processes, except for haplotype calling which is done over 14. Sorting of the BAM file is done using samtools instead of GATK for performance reasons.

We are now ready to issue our workflow rbbt workflow task Sample -W HTS mutect2 -jn ARGO-NEAT -ck HTS. Note how when a config key consists only of a single token, HTS in this case, it loads a file with that name found under etc/config_profile directory.

  1. shorthand forms of flags, in particular for task input options, are often computed from the long form of the inputs of tasks, and any collisions that might happen are automatically resolved in order of appearance. This makes it so that the same input might have different shorthand forms depending on the workflow task being executed. Please consult the help for any workflow task before using the shorthand forms. 

  2. The golden files where generated using a minified version of the reference, to assure that the size of the sample is very small. This unfortunately makes it incompatible with using a regular hg38 reference. To analyze the golden BAM files you would need to point the reference and the known_sites to their minified versions provided in the file bundle. 

  3. For reasons of performance the .info file is in a serialized form particular to Ruby, although Rbbt can be instructed to make them YAML by specifying the environment variable RBBT_INFO_SERIALIZER=YAML, but it’s not recommended. 

  4. Rbbt can be instructed to not digest the inputs but list them as-is in the path by setting the environment variable RBBT_INPUT_JOBNAME=true, but this is also not recommended.